Life in Russia

While running for Governor of Vermont in 2018, a journalist from Moscow joined us and rode along for two days to understand American democracy. We were able to spend a lot of time together and share our thoughts and ideas. I wanted to know how Russia became an oligarchy. How do people put up with dictatorships? Why don’t people fight for their freedom?

She told me that most Russian citizens know that their elections are rigged and the news media is not free to state the truth, let alone state anything negative about their government. She said that everyone knows that you cannot be “out” as a member of the LGBT or religious communities. She knows that immigrants are not bad and most people really want the same basic things.

When pressed, she told me that most Russians just want to enjoy their families, go out to the clubs with their friends, be able to eat and have a roof over their head. It is too hard to fight the regime and too many people have disappeared when they fight. She wanted me to understand how important family and friends are. She said fear is a powerful tool of the Russian government.

It is now eight years later. I now understand.


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